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Issues in the Global Economy - Essay Example India is one of the quickest developing economies and besides, globalization in the Indian m...
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Differences Between Intergovernmentalism And Constructivism Regarding The Eu Politics Essay
Differences Between Intergovernmentalism And Constructivism Regarding The Eu Politics Essay When considering these two theories in defining approaches to describe the European Union, we face the debate of agents versus structures. A constructivist approach means that it considering individual actors inside the structures in which they operate to have a significant impact on shaping their identity and behavior. Moreover, constructivism conceives of structures not only as material, but also social. Furthermore, these structures are not only constraints on behavior. Actors environment has a constitutive effect on actors identities on the basis of which they conceive their interests (Sedelmeier, 2005). Clearly, constructivism then takes into account the social factor, the one ignored by rational theory of maximum utility. For the EU, this means that it is not only an economic environment, one based on a materialistic approach. In fact, it is a cultural and social environment which shapes actors identities and interests (Sedelmeier, 2005). For constructivists the claim is that t hey study the integration of the European Union as a process (Cini, 2007). For constructivists then the focus becomes the formation, origins and evolution of identities, behavior related to languages and its role in political discourse, the role of social institutions etc. When we talk about constructivists we should see how the behavior regarding evolution of economic units, political institutions etc. emerges not because of material differences emerging in the economy but because of the process of emerging European identities (Cini, 2007) and the role social factors such as language , ideas and societal norms in these emerging identities. The liberal intergovernmentalist (LI) approach is based on political bargaining of states between governments, as in the case of treaties and reforms. In this approach, the power does not rest in social behavior or agents; in fact it is the political elite which has the power to improve interstate relations. The interaction then is between two forces; the member states and the EU Councils. In other words, This generally involves a two-stage process of negotiation. First, governments must resolve the policy problems that confront them; taking decisions to that effect; and only after that do they try to reach agreement on institutional mechanisms which would allow them to implement those decisions (Cini, 2007). As mentioned before, the political elite, meaning the governments of the member states are the main actors and the EU remains a forum for bargaining (Akiba, Fukuda, 2003). This theory holds that only the member state governments have the autonomy and can design the institutional system of the EU (Akiba, Fukuda, 2003). The limitations that this approach faces, especially when compared to constructivism is the fact that both theories slightly undermine the pace and the extent of the integration process and the autonomy that the EU has gained over the years in the sense that it has been increasingly ratifying treaties which have given more power to the Union. References: Cini, M. (2007). European Union Politics. Oxford University Press. Fukuda, K., Akiba, H. (2003). European Governance After Nice. Routledge. Sedelmeier, U. (2005). Constructing the Path to Eastern Enlargement. Manchester University Press. How do Multi-Level Governance understandings of the EU describe, and explain the advent of, the present EU political system? When discussing the integration of the EU as an institution, the arguments between intergovernmentalists and constructivist, as well as supranationalist, federalist and confederalist approaches are somewhat diminished by the theory surrounding multi level governance of the EU; indeed, it has given way to the fact that the EU operates more as a single European Regime or European polity (Akiba, Fukuda, 2003). Multi level governance considers the role of the State in decision making as important, but not entire. In fact, decision making competencies are shared by actors at different levels rather than monopolized by national governments (Hooghe, Marks, 2001). This of course means that the decision making rests with the supranational institutions- the European Parliament, European Commission and the European Court. These institutions have independent influence in policy making (Hooghe, Marks, 2001). The two other important factors which are taken into account by multi level governance ar e the collective decision making process; i.e. policies enforced across the EU without wholehearted from all the national states and the sharing of control and autonomy relating to domestic politics between national governments and supranational institutions. This obviously refers to the fact that politics at the international and domestic level are greatly interconnected, a theory on which the multi level governance model is based. One of the examples of multi level governance and the perceived limited autonomy of the nation state in the EU is displayed by the majority voting system in the EU Council of Ministers. This voting can be on issues relating to internal trade, the environment, research policy (Hooghe, Marks, 2001). So in relation to the definitions discussed above, how would a multi level governance system explain the EU of today, and secondly, why would such a system be supported considering that it is taking power away from national actors and placing it with bodies at a supranational level? The answer is to consider the other actors present in nation states who might on one hand affect policy making, actors such as pressure groups and interest groups. The Council of Ministers is only represented by governments, not other actors. This might be looked on as an advantage by national governments in policy enforcement. Secondly, the EU itself has huge arenas of policy making and regulation under its umbrella, a most important one being trade. The trade benefits that member states receive are a result of greater integration of the European market. The concept of multi level governance is parallel to that of integration but analyzed differently because it focuses more on the various territorial lev els policy making has stretched over and how authority has shifted. There has been a drift of authority from the national to the European level which forces us to think of it as a political system across multiple levels including national and subnational arenas of action as well as the institutional environment of Brussels (Cini, 2007). Parallel to integration, we can see that the governance itself rests with multiple bodies of policy making and legislation, in the form of the evolution of the EU from a mere economic body to that of an organization consisting of its own Parliament, a Court (ECJ) and a Council of Ministers, all far reaching institutions that a single treaty establishing a European Coal and Steel Community. The idea behind this argument rests in the framework with which Europeanization scholars define the process of integration and the institutional changes taking place in the EU. The focus has shifted from thesis defining the framework to closely analyze the causal relationship surrounding the procedural changes, for instance, that of EUs domestic impact. It might be termed as a second generation of European studies (Gualini, 2004). The stress however, has recently shifted from policy at the international level to the way in which integration has affected national governments (Archer, 2008). The rationale behind this shift is the question that how European integration has affected domestic administrative practices and structures (Archer, 2008). This is more of a top-down approach toward Europeanization (Borzel, Risse, 2003). It is necessary to see the way Europeanization has affected domestic policies and institutions because it helps in understanding the integration process better bec ause according to one theory, policies enacted by the European Union must create some misfit in the administrative policies on a domestic level and this I one reason why change or adaotaion takes place on the domestic level (Borzel, Risse, 2003). This opinion is supported by rational choice institutionalism, simple that the process of change is initiated by greater distribution of power among the domestic administrative powers because interest groups might find opportunities in EU policies which could provide them with ways to pursue their own interests, if only they recognize such opportunities. Secondly, it also suggests that Europeanization leads to domestic change through a differential empowerment of actors resulting from a redistribution of resources at the domestic level (Borzel, Risse, 2003). The distribution of power is one reason why theorists have shifted from analyzing Europeanization in theory only, but in fact, have concentrated in recent times to see what extent chang e at the domestic level has been brought around by the process of Europeanization. The second way in which domestic change has been analyzed is through the lens of the constructivist perspective or logic of appropriateness. In this case, European policies and norms affect domestic processes by exerting adaptational pressures (Borzel, Risse, 2003) through change agents and other informal actors in the political processes. This is also supported by the collective learning process and connects more with the opinion of how new identities are formed through collective learning and social change. Essentially it is important to note that Europeanization as a policy offers new standards of policy to be implemented on the domestic level through political processes of implementation which in turn affects polity which affects domestic-level institutions, e.g. judiciary, public institutions, economic institutes etc. As one analyst puts it, The issue is no longer whether Europe matters but how it matters, to what degree, in what direction, at what pace, and at what point of tim e (Borzel, Risse, 2003). This is the reason through which the European Union, less as a policy and more as an institute of political change at the domestic level, is studied to understand the causal mechanisms of change. References: Archer, C. (2008). The European Union. Taylor Francis. Borzel, T., Risse, T. (2003). The Politics of Europeanization. Oxford University Press. Gualini, E. (2004). Multi-level Governance Political Change. Ashgate Publishing. Why has the EU relied so much on economic integration to deepen the integration process as a whole? In 1951 the Treaty of Paris established the European Coal and Steel Community, one of the first formal steps taken toward European integration. Robert Schuman, the French Foreign Minister at that time was of the opinion that a united Europe was essential for peace in the region. The reason why EU has relied so much on economic integration depends mostly on the objectives of integration. After a war torn Europe, the idea was to rebuild Europe and also to defend against a future war which would serve as a destabilizing and destructing force for all of Europe. Economic integration was, and is, a rationale to serve a higher purpose, which is both economic and political (Molle, 2006). The economic integration would mean that the states would rather serve as a collective economic entity than an individual one. The benefits of this are increasing chances of peace and security in the reason because economies are interdependent. Greater dependence on each other economically means that chances of armed conflict between them would be minimal (Molle, 2006). The framework for the European Union can be said to have laid down when the Marshall Plan was introduced with the objective of the reconstruction of Western Europe. The introduction of the though of a unified European Steel production body thus was seen by both Schuman and Monnet as a realistic way in which conflict could be avoided. In Schumans word, the solidarity in the production thus established will make it plain that any war between France and Germany becomes not merely unthinkable but materially impossible (Jovanovic, 2005). In other words, the objective of peace is much more easily obtained when economies are linked together. Another important factor which proved once again the success of economic integration, relatively to integration progress in other areas, was the abolishment of all internal tariffs. This took place approximately a year and half before the Treaty of Rome was ratifies (Jovanovic, 2005). The result was economic benefits which ranged over a variety of industries, exports and imports and was the main attractive feature which cause Britain to apply for membership to the EC. Economy, it was seen, was a core feature which resulted in expansion of the EU and caused potential member states to right their situations, to improve their economic performance to be eligible to be apart of the EU. The arguments which have been used by pro-integration forces have therefore been focusing on the benefits obtained from economic integration, namely, increase in welfare by an increase in GDP per capita. A common economic ground formed on the basis of integration gives way to common policy ideals or support of policies which would strengthen, not weaken, the economic integration and vice versa. The Treat of Lisbon came into effect as a result of the global financial crisis and what it meant for the economy of the EU as a whole. The purpose was to control the situation financially inside the EU markets to promote financial stability and to offer security against unstable financial markets in whatever way possible. Since the monetary and financial markets of the EU are connected through means of a common currency, i.e. the Euro, financial crisis has the power to economically destabilize the entire region and there should be safeguards to minimize this threat. As a result, a European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) and a European Stability Mechanism (ESM) has been set up to provide financial aid packages to countries severely affected by the financial crisis. For changes introduced in the European political sphere, the Lisbon Treaty takes into account the difference between delegated and executive acts, a distinction which was not considered by previous Treaties (Ponzano, 2008). Overall, this change means that the European Parliament has been granted a much stronger role than before whereby the Commission takes responsibility for delegated acts under the direct control of the European Parliament and the Council, giving each of the possibility of opposing the measure or revoking the delegation (Griller, Ziller, 2008). The second important political change the Treaty brings about is the double majority voting in the Qualified Majority Voting System in the European Council. The European Council also gains the status of a full European Union institution. The result of course, shows that the Lisbon Treaty granted more powers to the European Parliament, followed by the European Council. The Treaty of Lisbon has its roots in the failed ratification of the Constitutional Treaty. Establishing a Constitution for Europe has been a long-term shadow over European integration, a step that not many of the member states have been willing to take. Some questions put forth by Piris show considerable insight into the Lisbon Treaty and the circumstances surrounding it. For instance, is the Lisbon a mere repackaging of the Constitution of Europe (Piris, 2010)? Indeed the Lisbon Treaty has granted powers to the Parliament, the Court of Justice and the Commission to ensure greater balance of power in the EU. Secondly, the European Parliament, along with the national Parliaments of member states have been given the possibility of intervening directly in the EU legislative process (Piris, 2010). It definitely provides national Parliaments enough power to affect legislative process in the EU. A major difference however, between the Lisbon Treaty and the Constitutional treaty is the aba ndonment of transforming the EU into a federal body. That objective, according to Piris, has been fully deserted to be replaced by Euro-sceptic elements which to some extent limit the power of the EU.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Clothes Make a Man
It is said that we can judge a manââ¬â¢s character from his dress; But itââ¬â¢s not always so. Dress can only help us to a certain extent in knowing the broad facts of a manââ¬â¢s character. A man who wears a costly dress is necessarily a man of lavish habits. On the other hand, a man who wears tattered clothes is not necessarily a man of miserly habits. He may be do so only due to his financial limitations. Yet it is true that in some cases dressserves as a useful index to the character of a man. Some common examples, from which we can get some idea of a manââ¬â¢s character from his dress, are given below. We daily come across such persons as put on clothes of loud colours. We find them dressed in gaudy colours. They wear bushshirts printed withThe faces factors and actresses. So, is the case with their shoes. Shoes withdifferent designs on them are liked by them. We can easily know thecharacter of such people by looking at the way in which they dress. Suchpeople, if we carefully observe them, are very fond of show and ostentation. They lack the maturity of taste. They do not have sober habits. We can know this by their dress. Many people even if they are given costly and decent clothes, will maketheir appearance shabby and ineffective. They will put on the shirt or thecoat, but will not button it up. The laces of their shoes will remain untied. If they use the tie they will not put the knot properly. They never botherwhether their clothes are pressed or not. As these people are with theirclothes, so they are with their habits. They behave carelessly in other matters also. They are slovenly in their dress, living, reading and other ways also. So in this way, dress reflects their character. Besides this, we find people wearing very simple dress. A white ââ¬Ëkurtaââ¬â¢,ââ¬Ëdhotiââ¬â¢, and a white cap on the head and simple ââ¬Ëchappalsââ¬â¢ are all that they dress themselves in. But their clothes are always very neat and clean. Though they do not waste much of their valuable time in dressing, yet they do not use their dress carelessly. Such people show that they are thefollowers of the principle, ââ¬Å"Simple living and high thinkingâ⬠. They do notbelieve in ostentation. Mostly such people are intellectual. Broadly speaking, the dress of a man helps us to know his character. But atthe same time it may also be added that the dress should not be regarded as the sole index to the character of a man. Many saints and Sadhuscompletely neglect their dress. But it does not mean that they are very low either in their mental or emotional standard. On the contrary, they raise themselves so high from the level of such worldly considerations that dress becomes quite meaningless to them. In the present age, Mahatma Gandhiused to wear only a loin cloth. But he was the man before whom the entire world bowed its head. So in judging the character of a man dress can kelp us only to a certain extent. It can never be the sole guide. We should alsotake other factors into consideration in judging a man.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Osmosis Lab Report
Osmosis Rates in Artificial Cells Daniel George Department of Biology Grand Valley State University 1 Campus Drive Allendale, MI 49401 [emailà protected] gvsu. edu Abstract The lab for this paper was conducted for the topic of osmosis, the movement of water from high to low concentration. Five artificial cells were created, each being filled with different concentrated solutions of sucrose. These artificial cells were placed in hypertonic, hypotonic, or isotonic solutions for a period of 90 min. Over time, the rate of osmosis was measured by calculating the weight of each artificial cell on given intervals (every 10 minutes).The resulting weights were recorded and the data was graphed. We then could draw conclusions on the lab. Introduction Diffusion and Osmosis are two concepts that go hand in hand with each other. Diffusion is simply described as the movement of a substance from a region of high concentration to a region of low concentration. In another words, the substance will move down its concentration gradient which is ââ¬Å"the region along which the density of a chemical substance increases or decreasesâ⬠(Campbell Biology pg. 132). If you understand the concept of diffusion then osmosis is a very simple process.It can be defined as the diffusion of water across a permeable membrane. Osmosis can be cellular or artificial, so even though we are creating artificial cells in this lab, it is still considered to be osmosis. During osmosis, a solvent is trying to get through a selectively permeable membrane to make the concentration of that solvent the same on both sides of the membrane. The rate of osmosis depends on the type of environment the cell is in. There are three different environments that a cell can find itself in, a hypertonic environment, a hypotonic environment, or an isotonic environment.The environment a cell is in will determine its tonicity which is ââ¬Å"the ability of a surrounding solution to cause a cell to gain or lose weight â⬠(Campbell Biology pg. 133). ââ¬Å"In a hypertonic solution, the cell will lose water, shrivel up, and most likely dieâ⬠(Campbell Biology pg. 133). The reason this happens is because there is a higher concentration of water in the cell then there is in the environment the cell is in. Like I said before, water travels down its concentration gradient from high concentration to low concentration.So the water inside the cell will cross the membrane and enter into the solution outside the cell and it will continue to do this until the concentration inside the cell membrane and outside the cell membrane are equal. The opposite of this would be if the cell was in a solution that is hypotonic to the cell. In a hypotonic solution, ââ¬Å"water would enter the cell faster than it leaves and the cell will swell up and lyse (burst)â⬠(Campbell Biology pg. 134). This will also cause the cell to die. Both a hypertonic and hypotonic solution are very harmful to cell and in most cases will cause the death of the cell.A solution that a cell wants to be in is an isotonic solution. If the concentration of water in the cell and in the surrounding environment is equal, there will be no net movement of water across the membrane and therefore the cell will not shrivel up or swell up. ). An experiment has been conducted to find out whether or not osmosis is occurring by using artificial cells made of dialysis tubing. To test this hypothesis the experiment will show the change in weight of each artificial cell across a 90 minute time span.The experiment will also show which type of environment (as previously stated) each cell is placed in and taken out of to be weighed. Materials and Methods This experiment will look at the effects of various sucrose concentrations on the rate of osmosis in artificial cells made up of dialysis tubing. To begin the experiment one strip of dialysis tubing will be filled with 10mL of tap water, the second will be filed with 10mL of 20% sucrose, the third with 10mL of 40% sucrose, the fourth with 10mL of 60% sucrose, and the fifth bag will be filled with 10mL of tap water also.The dialysis tubing will be clamped at one end in order to fill it and then clamped at the other end to seal the filled bag. If the bag is not soft and floppy, the experiment will not work. Blot a bag with a paper towel to absorb the moisture and weigh it, if this blotting process is not done it could interfere with the weight readings creating inaccurate information. After the bags of the solutions are prepared, they will be placed into five different beakers with different solutions. Beakers 1-4 will be filled with tap water and the fifth beaker is filled with 40% sucrose and water.Fill each beaker with just enough water or solution so that the bag is covered and place the bags in the beakers simultaneously and record each time. Every 10 min the bags are to be taken out, blotted, and weighed again before returning them back into their resp ective beaker for another 10 min. The process is repeated until you have reached 90 min. The weights should be recorded in grams (g). Results Table 1 shows the contents of the bags and the content of the concentration it was submersed in. Bags 2-4 each contain a solution of both sucrose and water. These bags were each put into beakers containing hypertonic solution.These bags gained weight over time because the water moved from its high concentration inside the beaker to the low concentration inside the membrane of the artificial cell, the membrane being the bags that consisted of dialysis tubing. The water will continue to move through the pores of the dialysis tubing into the concentration of water is the same in the beaker as well as inside the artificial cell. Bag 1, consisting of water, was also put into a breaker containing water. The weight of this bag remains the same because it was placed in an isotonic solution, where the concentration of water was the same.Because of this , osmosis does not occur. The last bag (bag 5) contained only water whereas the beaker it was immersed in was a solution of 40% sucrose. The solution is a hypertonic solution because the concentration of water was higher inside the artificial cell then outside the cell membrane, inside the beaker. Because of this, the weight of bag 5 decreased as time went on because water was constantly leaving the bag through the pores of the dialysis tubing in an attempt to make the concentration of water equal inside and outside of the bag.As you can see from the results plotted in Graph 1, the bags that were put into a hypotonic solution gained weight over time, whereas the bag that was put into a hypertonic solution lost weight over time. Conclusion/ Discussion As you look over the results of this experiment it is clear that indeed osmosis does occur in an artificial cell with a permeable membrane made of dialysis tubing. As the data shows, the artificial cells that were placed in hypotonic so lutions had a gain in weight, the artificial cell that was placed in a hypertonic solution lost weight, and the cell placed in an isotonic solution stayed the same.The amount of weight gained or lost depends on how concentrated the solutions are, and this did not show in our results (Graph 1). â⬠The rate of diffusion or osmosis is dependent on such factors as temperature, partial size, and the concentration gradientâ⬠(General Biology I Laboratory experiments and exercises pg. 3-1). The cell containing 60% sucrose should have ended up being heavier than the cells containing 20% and 40% sucrose, but an error must have occurred during our lab that changed the data that was collected.All in all, the results still prove our hypothesis that osmosis does occur in artificial cells. This means that when an artificial cell is placed in a hypotonic solution, it will gain weight. If an artificial cell is placed in a hypertonic solution it will lose weight, and if it is placed in an i sotonic solution it will stay the same. There are many reasons why our data could have been misleading, weather it was a small hole in one of the dialysis bags, or a faulty scale, or the inability to plot the bags dry before weighing.To better this experiment I believe you should have a scale for each of the bags so that you can weigh the bags and get them back into their respective beaker of solution as quickly as possible. Also, I believe a more successful way of drying each bag before weighing needs to be introduced but the excess water on the outside of the bags could have defiantly thrown off the data. References Patrick A. Thorpe (ed). (2013). Biology 120 General Biology I Laboratory Experiments an Exercises. Plymouth, MI: Hayden-McNeil Publishing.Reece, Urry, Cain, Wasserman, Minorsky, Jackson (eds). (2011). Campbell Biology Ninth Edition. San Fransico, CA: Pearson Education Inc.. Bag| Bag Contents| Beaker Contents| Bag is in a _____solution | Bag will _______ weight. | | 1| tap water| tap water| isotonic| stay the same| | 2| 20% sucrose| tap water| hypotonic| gain| | 3| 40% sucrose| tap water| hypotonic| gain| | 4| 60% sucrose| tap water| hypotonic| gain| | 5| tap water| 40% sucrose| hypertonic| lose| | | | | | | | Table 1 Graph 1 TIME (MIN) TIME (MIN) W E I G H T (g) W E I G H T (g) Osmosis Lab Report Osmosis Rates in Artificial Cells Daniel George Department of Biology Grand Valley State University 1 Campus Drive Allendale, MI 49401 [emailà protected] gvsu. edu Abstract The lab for this paper was conducted for the topic of osmosis, the movement of water from high to low concentration. Five artificial cells were created, each being filled with different concentrated solutions of sucrose. These artificial cells were placed in hypertonic, hypotonic, or isotonic solutions for a period of 90 min. Over time, the rate of osmosis was measured by calculating the weight of each artificial cell on given intervals (every 10 minutes).The resulting weights were recorded and the data was graphed. We then could draw conclusions on the lab. Introduction Diffusion and Osmosis are two concepts that go hand in hand with each other. Diffusion is simply described as the movement of a substance from a region of high concentration to a region of low concentration. In another words, the substance will move down its concentration gradient which is ââ¬Å"the region along which the density of a chemical substance increases or decreasesâ⬠(Campbell Biology pg. 132). If you understand the concept of diffusion then osmosis is a very simple process.It can be defined as the diffusion of water across a permeable membrane. Osmosis can be cellular or artificial, so even though we are creating artificial cells in this lab, it is still considered to be osmosis. During osmosis, a solvent is trying to get through a selectively permeable membrane to make the concentration of that solvent the same on both sides of the membrane. The rate of osmosis depends on the type of environment the cell is in. There are three different environments that a cell can find itself in, a hypertonic environment, a hypotonic environment, or an isotonic environment.The environment a cell is in will determine its tonicity which is ââ¬Å"the ability of a surrounding solution to cause a cell to gain or lose weight â⬠(Campbell Biology pg. 133). ââ¬Å"In a hypertonic solution, the cell will lose water, shrivel up, and most likely dieâ⬠(Campbell Biology pg. 133). The reason this happens is because there is a higher concentration of water in the cell then there is in the environment the cell is in. Like I said before, water travels down its concentration gradient from high concentration to low concentration.So the water inside the cell will cross the membrane and enter into the solution outside the cell and it will continue to do this until the concentration inside the cell membrane and outside the cell membrane are equal. The opposite of this would be if the cell was in a solution that is hypotonic to the cell. In a hypotonic solution, ââ¬Å"water would enter the cell faster than it leaves and the cell will swell up and lyse (burst)â⬠(Campbell Biology pg. 134). This will also cause the cell to die. Both a hypertonic and hypotonic solution are very harmful to cell and in most cases will cause the death of the cell.A solution that a cell wants to be in is an isotonic solution. If the concentration of water in the cell and in the surrounding environment is equal, there will be no net movement of water across the membrane and therefore the cell will not shrivel up or swell up. ). An experiment has been conducted to find out whether or not osmosis is occurring by using artificial cells made of dialysis tubing. To test this hypothesis the experiment will show the change in weight of each artificial cell across a 90 minute time span.The experiment will also show which type of environment (as previously stated) each cell is placed in and taken out of to be weighed. Materials and Methods This experiment will look at the effects of various sucrose concentrations on the rate of osmosis in artificial cells made up of dialysis tubing. To begin the experiment one strip of dialysis tubing will be filled with 10mL of tap water, the second will be filed with 10mL of 20% sucrose, the third with 10mL of 40% sucrose, the fourth with 10mL of 60% sucrose, and the fifth bag will be filled with 10mL of tap water also.The dialysis tubing will be clamped at one end in order to fill it and then clamped at the other end to seal the filled bag. If the bag is not soft and floppy, the experiment will not work. Blot a bag with a paper towel to absorb the moisture and weigh it, if this blotting process is not done it could interfere with the weight readings creating inaccurate information. After the bags of the solutions are prepared, they will be placed into five different beakers with different solutions. Beakers 1-4 will be filled with tap water and the fifth beaker is filled with 40% sucrose and water.Fill each beaker with just enough water or solution so that the bag is covered and place the bags in the beakers simultaneously and record each time. Every 10 min the bags are to be taken out, blotted, and weighed again before returning them back into their resp ective beaker for another 10 min. The process is repeated until you have reached 90 min. The weights should be recorded in grams (g). Results Table 1 shows the contents of the bags and the content of the concentration it was submersed in. Bags 2-4 each contain a solution of both sucrose and water. These bags were each put into beakers containing hypertonic solution.These bags gained weight over time because the water moved from its high concentration inside the beaker to the low concentration inside the membrane of the artificial cell, the membrane being the bags that consisted of dialysis tubing. The water will continue to move through the pores of the dialysis tubing into the concentration of water is the same in the beaker as well as inside the artificial cell. Bag 1, consisting of water, was also put into a breaker containing water. The weight of this bag remains the same because it was placed in an isotonic solution, where the concentration of water was the same.Because of this , osmosis does not occur. The last bag (bag 5) contained only water whereas the beaker it was immersed in was a solution of 40% sucrose. The solution is a hypertonic solution because the concentration of water was higher inside the artificial cell then outside the cell membrane, inside the beaker. Because of this, the weight of bag 5 decreased as time went on because water was constantly leaving the bag through the pores of the dialysis tubing in an attempt to make the concentration of water equal inside and outside of the bag.As you can see from the results plotted in Graph 1, the bags that were put into a hypotonic solution gained weight over time, whereas the bag that was put into a hypertonic solution lost weight over time. Conclusion/ Discussion As you look over the results of this experiment it is clear that indeed osmosis does occur in an artificial cell with a permeable membrane made of dialysis tubing. As the data shows, the artificial cells that were placed in hypotonic so lutions had a gain in weight, the artificial cell that was placed in a hypertonic solution lost weight, and the cell placed in an isotonic solution stayed the same.The amount of weight gained or lost depends on how concentrated the solutions are, and this did not show in our results (Graph 1). â⬠The rate of diffusion or osmosis is dependent on such factors as temperature, partial size, and the concentration gradientâ⬠(General Biology I Laboratory experiments and exercises pg. 3-1). The cell containing 60% sucrose should have ended up being heavier than the cells containing 20% and 40% sucrose, but an error must have occurred during our lab that changed the data that was collected.All in all, the results still prove our hypothesis that osmosis does occur in artificial cells. This means that when an artificial cell is placed in a hypotonic solution, it will gain weight. If an artificial cell is placed in a hypertonic solution it will lose weight, and if it is placed in an i sotonic solution it will stay the same. There are many reasons why our data could have been misleading, weather it was a small hole in one of the dialysis bags, or a faulty scale, or the inability to plot the bags dry before weighing.To better this experiment I believe you should have a scale for each of the bags so that you can weigh the bags and get them back into their respective beaker of solution as quickly as possible. Also, I believe a more successful way of drying each bag before weighing needs to be introduced but the excess water on the outside of the bags could have defiantly thrown off the data. References Patrick A. Thorpe (ed). (2013). Biology 120 General Biology I Laboratory Experiments an Exercises. Plymouth, MI: Hayden-McNeil Publishing.Reece, Urry, Cain, Wasserman, Minorsky, Jackson (eds). (2011). Campbell Biology Ninth Edition. San Fransico, CA: Pearson Education Inc.. Bag| Bag Contents| Beaker Contents| Bag is in a _____solution | Bag will _______ weight. | | 1| tap water| tap water| isotonic| stay the same| | 2| 20% sucrose| tap water| hypotonic| gain| | 3| 40% sucrose| tap water| hypotonic| gain| | 4| 60% sucrose| tap water| hypotonic| gain| | 5| tap water| 40% sucrose| hypertonic| lose| | | | | | | | Table 1 Graph 1 TIME (MIN) TIME (MIN) W E I G H T (g) W E I G H T (g)
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Cover Letter Example
A key part of almost any job application is a cover letter. Sometimes, that becomes even more important than your resume itself, as the cover letter shows the human behind the paper. It allows you to shine through your list of certifications and experiences and show off your soft skills and enthusiasm and convince the hiring manager you are the best match for the position. At the end of this article, you will find an example of a cover letter written in response to an online advertisement. However, before you jump straight to it, it may be a good idea to read through a typical structure of a cover letter, some writing and preparation tips, and useful key phrases. After all, you are representing yourself and your strong attributes, not someone elses online template. Structure of a Cover Letter 3-5 Paragraphs Cover letters usually run between three and five paragraphs. Note, however, that unless specifically outlined in the job posting, there is no prescribed length for this type of writing. A good thing to keep in mind is that hiring managers often only spend a brief time reviewing each application. Keeping it short and/or making it stand out in any other way (interesting and unusual words, descriptions, and/or accomplishments) could benefit you. Structure Addresses and dateSalutationIntroductory paragraph stating:The position you are applying forHow you heard of the positionOne-sentence pitch of who you are as a professional and a mention that/how your qualifications match the position and/or the company perfectlyBody 1Elaborate on your desire to work for this company in this positionElaborate on your background and how it matches the required profile (to sound genuine, make sure you use synonyms and different sentence structures than the words and phrases in the job posting)Optional Body 2 (and 3)Relate one or two anecdotes depicting skills or accomplishments that are not immediately noticeable on your resumeTie them back to the job description. Show how these skills make you the best choice for the positionThanksThank the hiring managerExpress one more time how enthusiastic you are about working for their company and how perfect of a match you are for the advertised positionProvide another form of contact (telephone number) and expr ess your willingness to be reached out to for any further informationSalutation Tips for Writing Cover Letters Always refer to the exact position for which you are applying. Make sure you know all the details about it and the company.Ã Researching the company and the position prior to writing your letter will help you sound on point and will help frame your attributes more specifically for the position.Point out those aspects of your career that you feel are especially important. Be confident and proud of your accomplishments, yet still matter-of-fact.Dont point out too many of your qualifications. Youve enclosed your resume for that purpose.Ã Instead, select one or two details or anecdotes and elaborate on those.Refer in a positive way to a future interview. Dont be shy about stating that youll follow-up.Ã Useful Phrases Referring to the Position I am writing to you in response to your advertisement for...I would like to apply for the position of...Im interested in applying for... Pointing Out Important Qualifications As you can see from my enclosed resume, my experience and qualifications match this positions requirements closely.I believe my...make of me an ideal candidate for this position.I would like to point out...During..., I improved (furthered, extended, deepened, etc.) my knowledge of...My superiors really appreciated my... / when I...I was responsible for...My former position required me to..., which... Referring to Future Interview Please, feel free to contact me at...(for any further questions).I look forward to an opportunity to speak with you in person.Ã I look forward to speaking with you personally.Ã I look forward to discussing how I can... Cover Letter Example Kenneth Beare 2520 Vista AvenueOlympia, Washington 98501 Mr. Bob Trimm, Personnel Manager Importers Inc.587 Lilly Road Olympia, Washington 98506 April 19, 2019 Dear Mr. Trimm, My name is Kenneth Beare and I am applying for the position of the Legal Assistant specializing in Port Regulatory Law at Importers Inc., as advertised on Indeed. I am a seasoned attorney and, as you can see from my enclosed resume, my experience and qualifications match this positions requirements closely. I graduated Cum Laude from the University of Tacoma and was directly hired by Shoreman and Co. due to my expertise in port authority regulations. During my four years with the company, I further deepened my knowledge of the fast-changing regulatory laws in our state. My employer also thought highly enough of my abilities to promote me to head legal researcher after my first year of employment. I am now ready to take my career to the next level, and Importers Inc. seems to be the perfect place for my aspirations. Your prestige along with the attentive care you give your customers are aspects that I value highly, and I believe that my profound knowledge of the industry, as well as my people skills, would help your company reach an even wider clientele. Please, feel free to contact me by email or at (206) 121-0771 for any additional information. I would love to become a part of Importers Inc. and help further your mission. Thank you very much for your consideration. I look forward to hearing back from you. Sincerely, Kenneth Beare
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